tirsdag 9. september 2014

Gøran and Andrea

Task 2, page 44.

Summary from the text Intoduction: Media in Motion.

The text is about media in general. It says that the Internet is the most important media development of the last decades. However, somethings never change. Like the dominance of English, it is a language that 56.7% of the world popultation speak. Although, the continent that uses the internet the most, is Asia (44.0%), and they do not have English as their main language. 
However, in the nowdays, there are almost as many people who speak Chinese as people who speak English. 
Time will show what language will dominate the Internet. 

mandag 8. september 2014

Summary from Friday 05 September.

We started the day with doing tasks and talking about the media evolution. Then we made a really fun Kahoot about media. We used the information we found on the Internet about different events over the years.  
Then we wrote down questions, and asked Gro Skeie (teacher,40years), the bookstore-lady (60 years) and a girl at Coop (19 years). 
If i am going to sum up what they said, i would have to say that they all used social media in one way or another. 

The questions:

  • How often do you use Facebook? 
  • Do you have Snapchat and/or Instagram?
  • Do you think teenagers uses the Internet too much? 
  • Do you know what an app is?
  • What kind off apps do you know?
  • How do you think the social media will be in 10 years?
  • How much time do you use on the Internet?
  • Do you have your phone with you all the time?

The bookstore-lady did not have Facebook, but she had a 
smartphone that she used to call friends and look at VG. 
Gro also used her phone to read the news, but she also had 
Facebook that she used 3-4 times a week. The girl at Coop
 only used Facebook if she was bored.

When we were done interviewing people, we went to the 
video-room and watched "Social Network". The movie is based 
on the true story on how Facebook was made. 

torsdag 4. september 2014

Task 1. Discussion

a) How much of this did you know from before? Did anything in the timeline come as a surprise to you?

I don't know much about the internet evolution. I was surprised that the internet was called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency). I also did not know that Pizza Hut started to taking orders online in 1994. 

b) Are there any other events, inventions, people, etc. that you think should be included in the timeline? 

I would probably include social medias like Instagram, YouTube and Snapchat.